Over that past several years, I have posted a welcome note to incoming freshman and a welcome back note to the sophomore's. I want to say it appears that 2010-2011 is going to be a special year for USC Salkehatchie athletics. I have been watching the USC Salkehatchie soccer teams (men and women) and we have a lot of talented freshman and many talented returning sophomores. Last season marked the first time both teams made the Region X tournament and I expect nothing less this year under the guidance of head coach Bill Glass and his new assistant Alex Glass.
When I talk about USC Salkehatchie around the state, the conversation seems always to end with questions about our basketball team. The men's basketball team won the Region X title several years ago, the first in school history and I would expect a great run this year. I spoke with head coach Travis Garrett this past week and he seems to think we have the pieces in place to make a run once again.
The USC Salkehatchie softball team has a new coach for 2011, head coach Tatjana Slawson. She is very energetic and has hit the ground running in preparation for the upcoming season. I am sure that all the returning sophomores will be very impressed with her coaching abilities and the incoming freshman as well. Coach Slawson has made it her personal goal and the teams goal to compete for a Region X title and I am telling you with her determination, I would expect nothing less.
The USC Salkehatchie baseball team had a tough go last season but head coach Bubba Dorman went out and recruited some very talented baseball players for the upcoming season. Coach Dorman is known all over the state and nation for recruiting players that want to win and compete. I know we can expect a very exciting season.
To the parents of the incoming freshman, I know it is hard to let go and watch your child embark on a new chapter in his or her life. We at USC Salkehatchie are very thankful that you chose to allow your child to become a part of the USC Salkehatchie athletic family. I say family because we believe we are a family! I can assure you that everyone at USC Salkehatchie has your child's best interest when it comes to academics and athletics. I have watched as coaches go out of their way to assure students go to class, apply themselves not only on the field of play but in the classroom.
I will work hard to keep you informed of the scores this season both here on the blog and on our athletic website www.uscsalkathletics.com
Mrs. Dawn Rizer keeps the athletics up and running for the Indians, she always does a great job finding interesting stories about past players and keeping you the fan informed.
The athletic website is normally updated once a week on Friday's and the blog is normally updated several times a day. When we have a home game, I will post scores and highlights as the game is in progress. I will update Twitter as the scores happen, so if you haven't signed up I would ask you to do so today as to stay informed.
I will also be updating our Face book page throughout each week.
Let's make the 2010-2011 season the best ever, I ask that you attend home games when possible and become involved with the USC Salkehatchie Athletic Club by joining today. When you join the athletic club all the money goes to help fund athletics at USC Salkehatchie.
We offer a full concession stand at all home games and that money also goes to pay for athletics.
I look forward to personally meeting each and every parent at the athletic events this year. If I can ever do anything for you, please feel free to contact me at TKinard@mailbox.sc.edu
Go Indians~