I was asked this afternoon, "How can I get information from coaches about USC Salkehatchie? If I want to come to USC Salkehatchie and play on an athletic team, is there a way to let the coaches know about me?"
The answer to this question is yes! If you are a prospective student-athlete, all you need to do is click on the logo of the sport you want to learn about on the right side of this page or go to http://www.uscsalkathletics.com/ and fill out a prospective student-athlete form. You will find the link on the "Official" website located on the left side of the main-page.
USC Salkehacthie coaches are always looking for bright young men and women for their athletic teams. If you feel you have what it takes to become a part of the USC Salkehatchie "Athletic-Family", click on the link and a coach will get in contact with you and/or your coach.
Don't forget to check out the "Official" USC Salkehatchie athletic website for answers to all your questions- http://www.uscsalkathletics.com/ and be sure to check back with us here at the USC Salkehatchie "Official" Blog often!