Below is a copy of the 2009-USC Salkehatchie youth summer camp brochure. You can print this off or check www.uscsalkathletics.com on Friday for a PDF of the brochure to print. If you have any questions about the camp, you can contact USC Salkehatchie head coach Bubba Dorman at 1-800-922-5500 or email him at DORMANCH@mailbox.sc.eduAges: Rookies:6 years old – 8 years oldBig Leaguers:9 years old – 13 years oldDates: Monday, June 15 – Thursday, June 18Time:Rookies:9:00 AM – 12:00 NoonBig Leaguers:9:00 AM – 3:00 PMLocation:USC SalkehatchieBaseball FieldAllendale, SCPrice:$50.00 for Rookies$75 for Big LeaguersMake check payable to:Salkehatchie Baseball CampMail to:USC Salkehatchie Baseball CampP.O. Box 617Allendale, SC 298102009USC SALKEHATCHIESummer - YouthBaseball CampThe Salkehatchie Baseball Camp will provide instruction on the fundamentals of the game of baseball.Topics that will be covered are:Throwing MechanicsCatching MechanicsPositional PlayHitting MechanicsBase RunningGame ScrimmageAll Big League Campers should bring their own lunch and drink. Lunch will be from 12:00 Noon to 12:45 PM each day.
Transportation must be provided to and from USC Salkehatchie each day.
Zip Code_________________
Phone Number_________________________
Health Insurance Co.____________________
Policy No. ____________________________Age________
T-Shirt Size ______________
Emergency Phone Number:_____________________________________
USC Salkehatchie is not responsible for any injury that may occur while a camper is participating in camp on the campus of USC Salkehatchie. Any injury that requires immediate medical attention will be taken to the nearest medical facility.
Signature (Parent or Guardian):_____________________________________
Office Use Only:Amount: Check #: