If you feel as though you have waited too long to sign your child up for this year's baseball camp, don't fret! You will have the chance to just show up on Monday and sign up your child. The camp is very instructional and to learn more, read below:
Below is a copy of the 2009-USC Salkehatchie youth summer camp brochure. You can print this off or check http://www.uscsalkathletics.com/ on Friday for a PDF of the brochure to print. If you have any questions about the camp, you can contact USC Salkehatchie head coach Bubba Dorman at 1-800-922-5500 or email him at DORMANCH@mailbox.sc.edu
Ages: Rookies:6 years old – 8 years oldBig Leaguers:9 years old – 13 years old
Dates: Monday, June 15 – Thursday, June 18 Time:Rookies:9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
Big Leaguers:9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Location:USC Salkehatchie Baseball Field Allendale, SC
Price:$50.00 for Rookies$75 for Big Leaguers
Make check payable to:Salkehatchie Baseball Camp Mail to:
USC Salkehatchie Baseball Camp P.O. Box 617 Allendale, SC 29810
2009 USC SALKEHATCHIE Summer - Youth Baseball Camp The Salkehatchie Baseball Camp will provide instruction on the fundamentals of the game of baseball.
Topics that will be covered are: Throwing ,Mechanics, Catching, Mechanics ,Positional Play, Hitting Mechanics, Base Running, Game Scrimmage,
All Big League Campers should bring their own lunch and drink.
Lunch will be from 12:00 Noon to 12:45 PM each day.
Transportation must be provided to and from USC Salkehatchie each day.
Zip Code_________________
Phone Number_________________________
Health Insurance Co.____________________
Policy No. ____________________________Age________
T-Shirt Size ______________
Emergency Phone Number:_____________________________________
USC Salkehatchie is not responsible for any injury that may occur while a camper is participating in camp on the campus of USC Salkehatchie. Any injury that requires immediate medical attention will be taken to the nearest medical facility.
Signature (Parent or Guardian):_____________________________________
Office Use Only:Amount: Check #: