Hello everyone,
Below you will find your free USC Salkehatchie "Merry Christmas" E-cards or free holiday wallpaper! To download your free copy, left click on the image to make it larger, then right click the image and hit save. We hope you enjoy your free 2009 athletic Christmas E-cards or holiday wallpaper, just another service from the USC Salkehatchie Sports Information Department to help you show off your USC Salkehatchie Indians pride~
Go Indians!

Below you will find your free USC Salkehatchie "Merry Christmas" E-cards or free holiday wallpaper! To download your free copy, left click on the image to make it larger, then right click the image and hit save. We hope you enjoy your free 2009 athletic Christmas E-cards or holiday wallpaper, just another service from the USC Salkehatchie Sports Information Department to help you show off your USC Salkehatchie Indians pride~
Go Indians!