Dr. Winslow Shock was the guest speaker at this year's Region X basketball banquet in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Dr. Shock has won numerous awards in the Rock Hill for all of his community service.
He opened his remarks tonight by letting the players in attendance know that he was a walk-on with Gardner Webb University but at the time a junior college. He explained to the players that in order in succeed, you have to have a dream and see it through.
He explained that everyone in the room has dreamed of being a star at one time or another and that dream doesn't die as you get older.
He continued his remarks by letting players know that once their dreams of playing basketball came true, they received the power to make others believe.
He closed with telling the group that 7 teams are in the tournament and 6 teams can't win it all but then he quoted Lou Holtz by saying, "WIN-What's important now".
It's never too late to be the best you can be.