It was as much fun watching the coaches as the players Saturday at the Spartanburg Methodist basketball game against USC Salkehatchie.
First of all, Rob Burke from SMC spends more time on the court than some of the players. He’s often in a defensive stance. Sometimes the refs make him get out of bounds. Saturday they pretty much left him alone. Burke even raced after a bad pass to try to save it. He’s lost a step or two since his playing days, I must say.
Travis Garrett from Salkehatchie is great, too. Like many on the junior college level, he’s not afraid to less a few cuss words (mild ones) fly when he’s making a point.
“I love coaching against Travis,” Burke said. “You know why? He’s going to hold people accountable. He’s going to coach hard.”
Here are some of Garrett’s highlights:
… (To a player who shot an air ball that missed the rim by about two feet): “No more jump shots for you. Just pass the ball to somebody else.”
… (To a referee): “I saw everything you saw. That was just a bad call.”
… (To a different referee): “Make sure you call it fair now. I see you over there taking to Coach Burke all the time.”
… “Hey, you’re trying to do one-on-one (stuff). Knock it off.”
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